2023 Green Country Hamfest Volunteer Prize
will be a Yaesu FT-70DR Hand Held

The GCHF Board is proud to offer a prize drawing
for those of you who have volunteered your time
in helping to make the Green Country Hamfest successful.
For the 2023 GC Hamfest, we are again holding a special drawing
for the volunteer prize. To be eligible,
volunteers will need to work at least 2 hours to have their
name and call sign added to the drawing hat.

Eligible positions are:

Volunteer Examiner, both sessions
Shuttle Cart drivers
Worked Talk-In on the local repeaters
Helped with flea market setup/tear down
Committee Members and Staff are also included

Committee members, staff, and volunteers
will need to see GCHF President
Merlin Griffin WB5OSM
to obtain a special drawing ticket.

Good luck!!